Main Activities

Inception Period Activities: To Develop Communication Strategy and Establish Monitoring System

In this stage of project implementation, the project manpower, office facilities, working system and the Project Implementation Plan (PIP) have to be developed and finally established for an actual implementation…

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Animal Friendly (Education) School and Stakeholders Capacity Building Programme

The project will work in close partnership with various role players, e.g., educational institutes, schools, stray animals shelter operators, NGOs, leaders of civic society, government agencies concerned and local media…

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Animal Welfare Legislation Campaign

In order to provide a legal framework to facilitate the efficient law enforcement in Thailand together with the launch of an awareness raising campaign…

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Animals Adoption and Re-home Programme

The project will develop the animal adoption programme, inviting wealthy and animal loving individuals and business sector to adopt or sponsor individual animal or a group of stray animals…

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Certification Porgramme

Aiming to reduce and stop animal cruelty situation in Thailand, the project will develop partnership and dialogues with those involved in the malpractice on animals…

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